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“Whisper has impacted me personally in so many ways and I am eager to share my experience with my community.

I decided that I wanted my 2nd semester of senior year to be more intentional than ever and put all the skills I’ve gained from Whisper into action. The Sunday before our first day of our last semester I brought my friends together for a brunch. During this time, I organized for all of us to write the things we want to prioritize during these last months together.

At first, my friends were hesitant to engage and be vulnerable but it turned out better than I could have expected. As we shared our prioritizes and goals, I noticed that everyone started to truly connect to each other. 

No one was on their phone or complaining but rather we were practicing authentic connection. I never expected what that one brunch would inspire.

After that day, my mom got multiple texts from other moms about how impactful that brunch was and how their girls want to have more opportunities to open up like that.

I learned that people crave true connection. Whisper has given me the support and practice to share and encourage connection in my community.