Week 01:
Change the conversation,
change the culture.
Every movement begins with a decision—a moment when a hero decides they’re sick of the status quo and takes a leap of faith into the unknown. It’s Miles Morales leaping off a skyscraper and rising as he falls to truly become Spider-Man. It’s Katniss Everdeen declaring, “I volunteer as tribute!”
This is that moment. Change is coming, but it requires a decision. It’s the decision we’ve seen students take at schools across the country. Whisper starts with a decision, because change is impossible until you decide to be part of it.
No one can make this decision for you. You have to decide if you’re ready to break the power of silence and inaction in your life. Are you ready to live every day like it matters? You can change the conversation. If not you, then who?
This week, we’re going to decide.
Daily Actions
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