Week 02:
One simple thing changes everything.
The secret to changing your school lies behind a locked door called “conversations.” And the truth is, most of us have never been taught how to have a meaningful conversation. We learn math, science, and history, but we don’t learn how to form genuine connections with others.
The key to unlock the door is learning how to listen. If you can learn to activate this distinct skill set, you’ll discover extraordinary relationships. These skills can be learned and used by anyone, anywhere. At the heart of “Listen” is the quest for a story.
Everyone has a story, and every story is different. We’re all the same—unique. The power to connect with others lies in our ability to discover their story. Our quest is in the questions. Good questions unlock doors, form bridges, and create a pathway between two people. It’s time that we move from “how are you” to “who are you?”
This week, we’re going to listen.
Daily actions
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